Advertisement one (Female).
1. This advertisement is for the fragrance 'Closer' it shows a female celebrity being presented through the male gaze. She is seen sexualised as she has her shirt unbuttoned and her bra slightly showing. Behind her an idealised man with distinguished muscles and the 'ideal body' is holding her around the waist, in which he is seen as the dominant force. This advertisement picture for closer is aimed at women for it is a fragrance for women ,but it also gives them the idea that if they bought this fragrance they too could be attractive and desired by men.

Advertisement two (Male).
2. This advertisement is for the fragrance 'Jimmy Choo Man' it shows a man who is seen as the spectator in which he is looking at the audience. He is seen as 'cool' and less sexualised than the woman sitting behind him. Behind him is a women who's face is not shown but her legs are on show, he is holding her waist in which he is seen as the dominant force. This advertisement is aimed at men for it is a fragrance for men but it also gives them the idea that if they bought this fragrance they could be as confident talking to women and interacting with women.
Advertisement one (Female).
1. This advertisement is for the fragrance 'Closer' it shows a female celebrity being presented through the male gaze. She is seen sexualised as she has her shirt unbuttoned and her bra slightly showing. Behind her an idealised man with distinguished muscles and the 'ideal body' is holding her around the waist, in which he is seen as the dominant force. This advertisement picture for closer is aimed at women for it is a fragrance for women ,but it also gives them the idea that if they bought this fragrance they too could be attractive and desired by men.
Advertisement two (Male).
2. This advertisement is for the fragrance 'Jimmy Choo Man' it shows a man who is seen as the spectator in which he is looking at the audience. He is seen as 'cool' and less sexualised than the woman sitting behind him. Behind him is a women who's face is not shown but her legs are on show, he is holding her waist in which he is seen as the dominant force. This advertisement is aimed at men for it is a fragrance for men but it also gives them the idea that if they bought this fragrance they could be as confident talking to women and interacting with women.

You could discuss these in much more detail - think about the 'look'. Are the models there to be 'looked at' or be 'the lookers'? What is patriarchy? How do these adverts reinforce this?