In the news story the statistics do not link to the proportion of news coverage because it is bringing to the main front the chaos that is happening in the western world.I also believe that the news coverage isn't as big because it is not a Western issue so in many parts of the world it isn't being covered. Another factor as to why the statistics do not link to the proportion of news coverage is because it is a middle-eastern news outlet so it is not distributed in any other countries except from the middle-eastern countries.

This newspaper on a whole is fair because it is rightfully bringing to light the atrocities that people are going through in the middle east, that the Western world are choosing not to bring to the forefront because it does not closely affect them,this is where proximity comes into the equation if the issue isnt close too home it is not talked about in the western world.
However the article is biased in favour of the middle-east because it is a middle-eastern news outlet, i do not think that this is fair because they are not looking at both sides of the argument in which the Western World is very much under massive threats of terrorism and are targeted a lot by terrorists, this makes the middle-eastern seem as if it is dismissing the atrocities that happen in the Western World when it comes to terrorists. Alternatively they are bringing to the limelight statistics and facts that will ultimately be in favour of them and not the Western world.

 I do not believe that this issue would've been covered in the western world because is not an affair that is happening on their doorstep, so it is more likely to have little to no affect on them or their citizens. Another reason as to why i believe this issue would not be likely to be covered in the Western World is because would give people a negative view of them, which may result in protests and riots and questioning as to why they are not trying to help people in the Middle-eastern who have been drastically affected by the recurring cycle of terrorism attacks.


  1. I assume this refers to the Al-Jazeera article? There are some interesting ideas and analysis. Where is the longer essay I set as homework, where you pick your own news story and apply news values?


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